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MOOS-IvP Agent


Model agnostic machine learning tooling for MOOS-IvP. Inspired by moos-ivp-pLearn this project was designed to allow for training of python ML agents for Project Aquaticus while also providing generalized software to use with any MOOS-IvP project.


This project is still very young. As such feel free to any ask questions not answered by the documentation via a github issues. There, you can also see the current backlog.

Below you can see an example MOOS-IvP mission AgentAquaticus based on Project Aquaticus. The agents being trained are rewarded by successfully grabbing and returning a flag protected by robots which circle it. The agent's actions are being determined by q-table written in NumPy.



This project currently supports both OSX and Linux operating systems. See the main README.


Pretty Please

PLEASE Raise a GitHub issue if there is ~any~ issue with these instructions.

Getting Started

See the getting started page to start you on your ML path.

Getting Started :fontawesome-solid-tachometer-alt: