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AgentAquaticus is a fork of the Aquaticus mission which integrates the moos-ivp-agent project and provides for the ability to train multiple agents at once with one instance of a MOOS-IvP shoreside.


You can download the original Aquaticus mission by a checkout of the moos-ivp-aquaticus repository: svn co "" moos-ivp-aquaticus.


There are two main launch scripts associated with this mission. The script launches a vehicles while the script is used once per simulation to launch infrastructure associated with the Aquaticus mission.

Example simulation launch script can be seen here.

Launching vehicles

Vehicles take a number of required parameters to launch.

  • team: Can take on the value of red or blue. This parameter, among other things, will determine the starting position of the vehicle.
  • role: Can take on the value of agent or drone. Determines what if BHV_Agent will be spawned on the vehicle.
  • id: Currently values 11-15 and 21-25 (inclusive) are supported for agents and drones respectively these, along with role, determine the vname of the vehicle. Vehicles will only be able to tag a vehicle with corresponding least significant digit (e.g. drone_21 can tag agent_11 and not agent_12)


In coming updates the BHV_Agent behavior will be started on both agent and drone roles.

There are a number of helpful optional parameters some of which are highlighted below.

  • --log: Enables the writing of MOOS-IvP log files. Useful during debugging.
  • --color=<my_color>: Used to change the color of the vehicle when rendered via pMarineViewer
  • --behavior=<behavior_name>: Used to set initial behavior for drones. Any value placed here will show up in the ACTION field in the meta_heron.bhv file.
  • Time Warp: A integer value with how many times the simulation should be speed up relative to real world time.


The time warp of vehicles should correspond.

Example agent launch

./ red agent 11 --color=orange 10

Example drone launch

./ blue drone 21 --behavior=DEFEND --color=orange 10

Launching shoreside

At least one shoreside is required as it acts as the bridge for vehicle communication and manages the flag capture / tagging.

Shore side takes only optional parameters.

  • --no_gui: Used to disable the launch of pMarineViewer as it can slow the simulation.
  • Time Warp: See vehicle launch section.

Example shoreside launch

./ --no_gui 10

Vehicle Overview


MOOS-IvP behaviors are what should determine the actions of a robot. These can either be what are referred to as "hard coded behaviors" or those that are produced by BHV_Agent. If extending the behavior file please use this page as a reference.


Currently the BHV_Agent behavior is always running when the MODE == ACTIVE. This important as this contains the code which communicates with python.

For hard coded behaviors, the below config block shows that anytime the ACTION != AGENT (as set when role is set to agent in the launch script) and MODE == ACTIVE the vehicle will return to their flag when they either have the flag or are tagged.

set MODE     = RETURN_BASE {
  MODE       = ACTIVE
  (ACTION != AGENT) and ((HAS_FLAG = true) or (TAGGED = true))

Otherwise a number of MODEs can be selected depending on the ACTION value: ATTACKING, ATTACK_LEFT, ATTACK_RIGHT, DEFENDING, STATIONING

For more information see the current meta_heron.bhv and reference the IvP Helm wiki page's left hand side bar.


The mission's pEpisodeManager is configured in this file and currently looks for the TAGGED == true condition for failure and receives success signals by means of a EPISODE_MGR_CTRL post from uFldFlagManagerAgent

Shoreside overview

The shoreside uses uFldFlagManagerAgent and uFldTagManagerAgent to allows for multi vehicle training.